
Below are some of the mental health resources available in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. These sites contain resources and information that may speak to you, or it may not. If you are searching for something that is not listed, please email us with inquiries.

riverside counselling forms

mental health resources

Vancouver Crisis Centre

Anywhere in BC 1-800-SUICIDE: 1-800-784-2433
Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789
Vancouver: 604-872-3311
Sunshine Coast/Sea to Sky: 1-866-661-3311
Seniors Distress Line: 604-872-1234
Online Chat Service for Youth: (Noon to 1am)
Online Chat Service for Adults: (Noon to 1am)

The Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC is a non-profit, volunteer organization that helps people in times of crisis.

Fraser Health Crisis Line
Provides immediate and free counselling support for crisis intervention. Provides community resource information for all ages. Available 24/7.

Victim Link BC

VictimLinkBC is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual telephone service available 7 days a week. It provides information, crisis support, and referrals for victims of crime and their families. Call 1-800-563-0808.

Woman Against Violence Against Woman (WAVAW)

WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre works to end all forms of violence against women. They provide support to all women who have experienced sexualized violence. They are also committed to engaging youth in raising awareness and prevention.


Is a non-profit organization that works to improve queer, trans, and Two-Spirit lives. They provide safe space for self-expression, collective strengths, and community initiatives.

Anxiety Disorders Association of British Columbia

AnxietyBC is a non-profit organization that promotes awareness of anxiety disorders and helps to link people to evidence-based treatment and resources.

BC Bereavement Helpline

The BC Bereavement Helpline (BCBH) is a non-profit, free, and confidential service that connects people to grief support services. 


bc211 is a Vancouver-based nonprofit organization that provides information about government, community, and other social services in BC.

BC Association of Clinical Counsellors

BCACC provides high standards of professional counselling, consulting, testing, assessment, and training services in BC in an effort to enhance mental health care in this province.

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